5 Smart packaging trends to Watch

Technological advancements have fueled the emergence and growth of smart packaging, changing how products are manufactured and distributed. In particular, the pharmaceutical industry has adopted smart packaging in various ways. Smart packaging trends in the pharmaceutical industry reflect this adoption and continued improvements in smart technology, resulting in even better offerings to the end user. […]
NFC Technology Enhancing Patient Workflows
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has the potential to transform hospital systems by improving patient workflows, safety, and outcomes.
Smart Labels and NFC: Enhancing Customer Engagement Before and After
Smart Labels and NFC: Enhancing Customer Engagement Before and After the Sale With the advancement of technology, companies are constantly exploring ways to enhance the customer experience. One way to achieve this is through the use of smart labels and NFC technology. Smart labels are a type of RFID label that uses near field communication […]
Medication adherence via NFC
Near Field Communication technology offers numerous benefits to the healthcare industry, particularly in improving medication adherence. By using NFC-enabled medication bottle caps, pillboxes, and smartphones, patients can receive reminders to take their medications and access helpful information.
How Radio Frequency Identification is used on Healthcare
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry, particularly with the use of RFID labels.
Smart Packaging for Auto Injectors
One of the primary benefits of smart packaging on auto-injectors is improved safety. With smart packaging, patients can be assured that they are using the correct medication at the right dosage.