Descending Labels
Cold Chain temperature Indicators

Descending Temperature Indicators
Descending Temperature Indicators can determine if a product has encountered low temperature excursions. The descending temperature indicator activates from temperature decreasing non-reversible indicators that quickly let you know if the medicine, vaccine, or other product has experienced a temperature excursion at or beyond the preset threshold.
Descending Freeze Indicators:
- Printable freeze alerts that can be integrated into labels.
- Scalable across 100% of product supply.
- 95% cheaper than other solutions
- Customized design for the customer
- Enables inspection of every vial before use.
Descending Temper Indicators Products
Cold Chain Temper Indicators
Tamper evident labels or Tamper resistance labels are the first layer of protection to a package. Tamper evident labels can be designed from a large array of substrates and combined with a layered approach of brand security, combining more than one security feature to strength the packages protection.
- Carton Seals indicate if a product has been tampered with by leaving behind a void message, label material, or noticeably damaging the packaging.
- Tamper Evident Shrink void an be produced in a full graphic body shrink integrating this security feature into an ascetically pleasing package or be used as tamper evident bands for bottles.
- Void Labels identifies a compromised item by leaving a message on both the label and item that it is adhered to. The label can be printed with custom messages, logos, or images which provides additional security
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