Ascending Temperature Indicators
Ascending Labels

Ascending Temperature Indicators
Ascending temperature indicators are non-reversible indicators that quickly let you know if the medicine, vaccine, or other product has experienced a temperature excursion at or beyond the preset threshold.
- Indicates an ascending temperature threshold excursion by a white to red color change
- Utilizes precise melting points of purified alkanes (paraffins) for 25°C to 80°C indicators
- Utilizes melting points of various chemical compounds for >80°C indicators
- Accuracy depends on response temperature. Can do either +/- 1C or +/- 2C
- Performance is validated and documented
- 25C/77F
- 30C/86F
- 40C104F
- 42C/107.6F
- 50C/122F
Ascending Temper Indicators Products
Cold Chain Temper Indicators
Tamper evident labels or Tamper resistance labels are the first layer of protection to a package. Tamper evident labels can be designed from a large array of substrates and combined with a layered approach of brand security, combining more than one security feature to strength the packages protection.
- Carton Seals indicate if a product has been tampered with by leaving behind a void message, label material, or noticeably damaging the packaging.
- Tamper Evident Shrink void an be produced in a full graphic body shrink integrating this security feature into an ascetically pleasing package or be used as tamper evident bands for bottles.
- Void Labels identifies a compromised item by leaving a message on both the label and item that it is adhered to. The label can be printed with custom messages, logos, or images which provides additional security
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Trust CCL for Cold Chain Temper Indicators
•Over 30 cGMP manufacturing facilities globally
•2mL sized Integrated RFID labels enabling the fastest packaging line speeds with the lowest financial impact
•The most rigorous RFID inspection on the market, yielding a verified 99.9% operable labels at shipment.
•Over 1 million dollars new RFID investment in September 2020 with installation Q2 2021
•Strong relationships with inlay and equipment manufactures to able to customize at the product level or machinery level
•Ability to use current adhesive of an existing label spec
•CCL’s current RFID converting facility is in Hightstown, NJ
•17 years of experience converting RFID tags
•RFID encoding
•Encoding with matching serialized 2d barcode
•Plans for 3x RFID capacity expansion by Q3 2021
•Customer commitment (PO), CCL will expand RFID converting operations globally