
Brand Protection

Counterfeiting - Brand Authentication

The internet has revolutionized and redefined how we as humans connect. This digital portal has become an invaluable tool in our daily lives, connecting humans around the globe with the click of a button. It is this connection that provides access to knowledge, products and services of all types from all over the world.

The internet has also profoundly altered our approach to business and commerce. As we become a globally connected community, our individual economies must evolve accordingly via imports and exports. This globally connected community (via the internet) is partially to blame for the exponential increase in counterfeit product manufacturing the past decade.

Brand Protection Strategy

Developing an effective brand protection strategy will defend against counterfeiting, diversion, obsolescence, and maintain brand integrity. CCL Healthcare has protected brands for decades with custom brand security strategies and security solutions. These systems protect the integrity of brands and defend against grey market activities.


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