
5 Smart packaging trends to Watch

smart packaging

Technological advancements have fueled the emergence and growth of smart packaging, changing how products are manufactured and distributed. In particular, the pharmaceutical industry has adopted smart packaging in various ways. Smart packaging trends in the pharmaceutical industry reflect this adoption and continued improvements in smart technology, resulting in even better offerings to the end user. […]

6 deciding factors consumers use based on packaging

Pharmaceutical labels and packaging

Packaging plays several important factors in a consumer’s decision-making process. Some of these factors include:

1. Protection: Consumers expect packaging to protect the product from damage or contamination during shipping and handling.

Smart Packaging for Auto Injectors

Smart Packaging fpr auto injector using NFC Labels

One of the primary benefits of smart packaging on auto-injectors is improved safety. With smart packaging, patients can be assured that they are using the correct medication at the right dosage.

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